Legacy of Sustainability
Earthkeepers is a global network that seeks to promote peace and sustainability by bridging religious and cultural differences and working together for the betterment of communities and the world. One of the key areas of focus for Earthkeepers is promoting environmental action in everyday life. This is because the choices we make on a daily basis, such as the food we eat, the goods we consume, and the energy we use, all have a significant impact on the planet. Earthkeepers aims to educate individuals on lifestyle changes that support personal growth and a reconnection to sustainable values that reflect a healthy relationship with the rhythms and balance of the natural world. By doing so, Earthkeepers encourages individuals to play an active role in making a positive impact on the environment and the world around us.
EarthKeepers Clean Water Coalition
There once was a time when indigenous people of the world thought that water came from a place that had no beginning and went to a place that had no end. Water was revered as "the source of all life" and was known among First Nations people as the "longman". It has become apparent in today's world that we have lost touch with this relationship. According to the World Watch Institute, over the next twelve years, if current trends continue, at least 75% of the earth will experience a severe water shortage due to unprecedented drought, misuse, abuse, and lack of water conservation. The push for privatization of water rights only intensifies the complexity of the situation and suggests that Albert Einstein may have been correct when he stated, "If we don't do the unimaginable, we will be forced to live with the unthinkable."
Acutely aware of these mounting concerns, Earthkeepers formed the Clean Water Coalition. Through local grassroots environmental action and educational campaigns, EarthKeepers is raising awareness and empowering local communities with the social, scientific, political and spiritual characteristics needed to unite humanity in our understanding of this precious source of life.
United Religious Initiative
Connects us to religious communities around the world to solve Thrivable issues. URI is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities and the world.
Forgiveness Ceremonies in Japan
A two-year project for EarthKeepers culminating in several large scale ceremonies( over 100 thousand people attended) for peace and forgiveness facilitated by selected indigenous elders from around the world.
Atlanta Botanical Gardens
Earthkeepers was contracted to recreate an authentic hand-crafted “wattle and daub” Creek Indian dwelling permanently on display at the Atlanta Botanical Children’s Gardens.
Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation
Nick Brookes, Chairman and CEO of the Brown and Williamson Corporation, with the Earthkeepers at the first Earthkeepers Intertribal Kentucky Derby Thunder Gathering.
PBS and CBS series "Fast Forward"
A look 25 years into the future using current statistics to forecast and determine our destiny. A conversation regarding this incredible journey, featuring actor and ecolonomics founder Dennis Weaver and earthkeeper Tom Blue Wolf
"A Thousand Years of Peace"
An EarthKeepers production at the Coca-Cola World Teleconferencing Center and sponsored in part by Zoo Atlanta. This dream-time dance of an ancient Native prophesy with nine movements involving several indigenous cultures focused on peace for our children and clean water around the globe.
Amazonian Rainforest Peace Tour
EarthKeepers participated in a Peace Tour taking place in Ecuador, Peru, Columbia, Brazil alongside other indigenous tribes to heal the lungs of the Amazon.
Global Healing Forum
The Global Healing Forum, in Atlanta, Georgia, is Tom Blue Wolf, Founder of Earthkeepers, Dr. Illci Seung-Heun Lee, author of the best selling book , "Healing Society, A Prescription for Global Enlightenment"
Dr. Lee was recognized as one of the 50 preeminent spiritual leaders of the world at the U.N in August 2000. For more about Dr. Lee go to www.healingsociety.com and Rev. Dr. Barbara King of Hillside Chapel and Truth Center.
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