Invitation to Join the Earth Keepers Indaba
As we approach the winter solstice, we are reminded that the word “solstice” means “the sun stands still.” On this longest night, darkness surrounds us, and the light within all living things enters the shadows. Throughout history, this moment has inspired rituals, ceremonies, and rites of passage—calling the light back and reawakening our connection to the rhythms and migrations that once guided our ancestors. It is a time to honor the Earth’s journey and reawaken our hearts to ancient dreams of harmony, when humanity walked lightly upon the Earth.
What is Indaba?
This spirit of renewal and reflection inspires the Earth Keepers Indaba, a global conversation designed to reshape the narrative of our shared destiny. “Indaba,” a Zulu word for meaningful discussion, reflects our commitment to focusing on the things that truly matter. These conversations, held via Zoom on the first day of each season—March 21st, June 21st, September 21st, and December 21st—bring together voices from every corner of the world: Europe, Africa, South America, North America, and beyond.
Join Us
Together, we honor the changing seasons and their significance in our lives, allowing us to reconnect with the Earth and with one another. By participating, we not only acknowledge the journey the planet takes us on, but we also contribute to altering the global narrative—one rooted in kindness, respect, dignity, empathy, and compassion. We aim to restore these vital values to the forefront of human conversation, believing it is better to be kind than to be right.
We understand that the destiny of the world is shaped by the conversations we have. If we are unhappy with the direction we are headed, we must change the narrative. Through the Indabas, we can lead this change, creating a world where communities thrive, children feel safe, and all needs are met. A world where stewardship, care, and connection guide us forward.
Thank you for your interest in joining this sacred space we call Indaba.
If you walk the path of an Earth Keeper, a Steward of the Land, a Shepherd of the Sacred, a Caregiver to all creatures, an advocate for the Earth and Great Spirit and/or you feel a deep responsibility for the future of humanity and the balance of ecology, we humbly invite you to apply for the honor of joining this sacred Indaba.
Please complete the following application:
We welcome your support - Donate Now.
This Indaba is an offering by Earth Keepers, a 501-c3 non profit tax deductible organization.
We value and welcome your gift/donation which helps us to bring you programming such as the Indaba. Please donate using the button below. We appreciate any amount…no amount is too great or too small.